Defending the independence of Australian charities

Stronger Charities Alliance

The Hands Off Our Charities campaign was organised as an earnest, compelling alliance of Australian nonprofits tirelessly defending the crucial role they play in society and fighting off efforts to restrict the scope of their advocacy programs.

Creative Freedom originally helped them build a campaign site, ensuring the campaign could win when backed by an effective digital presence. Then, when a new government was elected and the advocacy landscape shifted, we helped them pivot their strategy to a softer, more co-operative stance, along with a new name, a new brand and a new website.

Through consultation with partner organisations the new name Strong Charities Alliance was established. Creative Freedom then undertook fast-turnaround branding process, exploring the strengths of the existing campaign and the unique, compelling elements of the nonprofit sector. Through several iterations of our design approach we were able to find a brand that spoke symbolically to our national connectedness to each other and the service providers that support our community, while capturing the diverse spectrum of experience and programs through a gradient approach of colour.

With the brand established we rebuilt their WordPress platform, working with them to refine the content and presentation and allow the campaign to pivot to a position of approachability in the new political context.

Work as incredible as yours deserves effective digital solutions.