Mobilising the aid sector around a single narrative

End COVID for All.

After the first wave of COVID, the Australian aid and development sector was looking for messaging cut-through to pressure the government to increase their Pacific response to the pandemic.

Micah Australia approached Creative Freedom to build a campaign platform that brought the sector together around a single narrative of neighbourly responsibility and a centralised petition. The platform was built on WordPress with hands-on technical coordination across more than 20 agencies to live make petition signatures available in their CRMs.

"Creative Freedom built us a beautiful campaign site that rapidly enabled tens of thousands of Australians and hundreds of organisations to add their voice to our pledge. They made ‘complex’ seem easy!"

Matt Darvas, End COVID For All

Through the campaign and the sector’s coordinated efforts, commitments were made to deliver more than 60 million vaccines across the region with $750 million in additional aid and investments to support long term efforts.

Work as incredible as yours deserves effective digital solutions.